Broken Motor Pin

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    • #5464


        I accidentally broke motor pin M8 which was connected to the motors for the drone.

        Is there any way I can change the drone motor output to some other port? M4 for example?

      • #5468

          Check with drona support if they can repair . Or if you don’t want to send your flight controller then you can check the project book turtle mode project and use the h bridge motors to fly the drone .

        • #5472

            Hi….On the off chance that it is an electrical pin toward the finish of the engine link, at that point the entire connector toward the finish of the link should be supplanted (extraordinary instruments and hardware). You should supplant the engine for the time being.

            In the event that it is the engine shaft emerged from the engine shaft attachment, you can simply re-embed it.

            On the off chance that it is the metal pin inside the case, that hold the inner gearhead gears;

            they additionally are removable, possibly it just dropped out of the attachment? You can normally return it. On the off chance that this pin attachment is broken, the engine is futile aside from spare parts for other broken engines.

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