Getting error running drone_comb.launch

Home Forums Drona Aviation – Drone for Education Getting error running drone_comb.launch

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    • #5242


        I wast trying out the keyboard example to test the RoS packages. However {after running the master, plutonode and plutoservice) when trying to run the drone_combo.launch service it crashed and exited with the following error:

        process[drone_server-1]: started with pid [9147]
        /usr/bin/env: ‘python’: No such file or directory
        process[key_command-2]: started with pid [9148]
        /usr/bin/env: ‘python’: No such file or directory

        I have installed RoS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04 and able to run the normal RoS examples.

        I also have python3 installed in my PC.

        Could you please help fix this issue, as it appears the python files are some how unable to run. Is it just due to python version search or the fact that it isn’t able to use python3? If so please do inform how it can be fixed.

        Thanks in advance.

      • #5243


          After searching quiet a bit I managed a very crude workaround, but I would still appreciate a fix or port to python3.
          Also I had incorrectly stated in the above post that the plutoservice had run.

          It seems that python versioning is the problem.

          I installed python-is-python3 package (so that it would recognise python as python3) and had to fix print statements in and to fit python3 format so that I could run without errors.
          After that I rebuilt the package and managed to run it.

          However this may lead to other errors in syntax in case some major change is made to the files in the plutoservices packages in the future.

          I would appreciate if you could mention the python version used in .py files for the pluto drone ros packages and if you have any plans to migrate them to python3 (I am assuming python3 is not being used).


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