PlutoX has 2 UART One is used in ESP(WiFi) and STM Communication and the Second is available for user which can be directly accessed by using UART API.
Current API based structure is not available to control 1st UART(ESP(WiFi) and STM Communication).
But if you are really interested you can opt for non API version of our code and implement on that.
You can enable the Uart port on PlutoX using Cygnus IDE and PlutoX Breakout board if you program accordingly using the Api’s provided. I would be able to help you further if could clearly specify what you have in mind.
Max value for kp=200, ki=250, kd=100; while tuning using laptop.
kp values
If set too high, the copter will oscillate on the roll and/or pitch axis.
If set too low the copter will become sluggish to inputs.
kd values
If set too high, the drone will over correct and will take more time to reach the desired position.
If set too low, the drone will overshoot the desired position and drone will keep oscillating.
ki values
If set too high, will cause oscillations and drone will take more time to reach desired setpoint
If set too low, will cause a sluggish response and the drone may not reach desired position.