Pluto 1.2 DIY Educational Nano Drone Kit


  • Build your drone with available spares and open-source designs.
  • Easy C++ API structure with open-source code.
  • Start with simple “Alt Hold + Motion Control” and progress to advanced acrobatics.
  • Created at IIT Bombay, made in India, and crash-resistant.
  • Access open-source content and projects.
SKU: Pluto1_2_TB Category:



Learn, Make Grow – Drona Aviation – Pluto:

We at Pluto have been working with drones for the past 10 years, and we live and breathe drones. Over the years, we’ve won awards in competitions globally, including IMAV France, ICUG Spain, MICAV Bengaluru, and Techfest Mumbai, among many others. Indeed, our only motto is to help make Drone Aviation a thriving ecosystem, to foster and decentralize these drone innovations, and to make it big.

SPN- SYB4D pluto

Can be programmed using

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