Primus X is a flight controller for Pluto X Educational Drone When implementing you idea, modularity in hardware, software and design is important. Primus X has all primary 10-DOF sensors and Wi-Fi for great flight performance.
Tech Specs
Microcontroller |
Sensors |
Power |
Motor drive |
Wifi |
UniBus |
Physical |
External Sensors
You can interface a lot of sensors with Primus X using X-Breakout accessory. You can find some examples below.
- Gas: MQ series, CCS811, etc.
- Location: GPS, DMW1001 etc.
- Light: APDS9960, TSL2591 etc.
- Temperature: MCP9700A, TMP 35/36/37, MLX90614 etc.
- Range: VL53L0x, HC-SR04, GP2Y0A21YK0F etc.
- Bar code: LV3085
- Motion: PMW3901
- Cameras: Wi-Fi camera, FPV camera, Pixy2 etc.
- Humidity: DHT22, SHT15,BME280 etc.
Board Details
UniBus pin-out
You can use UniBus to interface any external sensors. UniBus is a Panasonic DF17 connector used to save space for interfacing multiple GPIOs.
Please find the pin-out below: